Administrative Affairs Department

Administrative Affairs Department is considered one of the most critical departments of the University of Samarra Presidency because of the nature of the tasks entrusted to it. The department is related in terms of the administrative, organizational structure to the vice president of the University for Administrative Affairs directly.

The department consists of four divisions according to the organizational structure, and each of them has specific functions. They are as follows:

1-The Human Resources Division: The work of the Human Resources Division focuses on issuing university orders for appointing permanent and temporary employees, transportation, and placement of employees inside and outside the university, granting university employees regular leave, maternity leave, sick leave. Also, issuing letters of thanks and appreciation to university employees and everyone who provides distinguished services to the university and dispatching faculty and staff inside the country, assigning deans, assistant deans, heads of scientific and administrative departments, directors of departments of the presidency. Besides, direct follow-up and dissolution of associates after enjoying various vacations and Relative transport and provide associate support to continue the service and the amount of salary for different government departments and keep personal files for university presidency employees.

2-The General Job Division: Its work relates to everything related to the degree and job title of modifying, creating, deleting or transferring and making annual bonuses for teaching staff and employees in the university presidency and adding service to them and checking jobs and making adjustments required by university owners and ratification and approaching the Ministry of Finance to conduct the deletion and creation of promotions in The university and address the deanships of colleges and university departments to know the requirements for jobs if available.

3-The Archives Division: The Archives Division receives the university’s mail received from the ministries, universities, colleges, departments, and the various departments of the country after informing the University President on it, and distributes it to colleges, departments, and people according to the referral. It also exports completed mail with follow-up to the progress of book distribution and completion, books copying and circulars for the presidency of the university and delivery to all departments, colleges, and university centers through specific accreditors to preserve official statements from loss or damage, save university orders and priority of university orders and official incoming and outgoing addresses to and from Various ministries, colleges, and different agencies according to the books keys to make it easily accessible when needed.

4-Identities and Follow-up Division: This division works to organize the identities of the teaching staff and employees at the colleges, departments, divisions, and units. Also, coordinating university guard badges for all university guards, organizing graduate student identities, undertaking periodic checks on identities, investigating the issue of losing identities, and recommending that as well as destroying characters do not need of it.

Financial affairs: The department carries out tasks and duties through the listed divisions. It promotes various financial activities based on their responsibility to regulate exchange, financing, and salary matters, settles different accounts, prepares the trial balance, complete final reports at the end of the fiscal year, and follow up the amounts of advances to the procurement committees, maintenance, and all other progress. In addition to supervising the store’s activity, which is responsible for organizing the process of entering and removing the university’s goods and purchases, and storage control cards according to a computer program of work.

Financial Affairs Sections:

1- Salary Division
2- Budget Division
3- Debt Accounts Division
4- Plan Accounts division
5- Equipment Division
6- Dormitories Division

Among the most prominent duties is checking the salaries of employees of colleges affiliated with the university, as well as answering inquiries received from colleges preparing the planning budget for university colleges – withdrawing allocations from the Ministry of Finance monthly for salaries and financing colleges according to their assignments – making unified final accounts of the university as well as answering the observations and inquiries of the Financial Supervision Bureau.

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