Patent at the University of Samarra Creates Two Vaccines Against a Parasite

Patent at the University of Samarra Creates Two Vaccines Against a Parasite

  A research team from the College of Applied Sciences at the University of Samarra has received a patent for developing two vaccines against a parasite. The patent involved understanding the impact of outer membrane proteins (O – Antigen) OMPs and capsular polysaccharides (K – Antigen) extracted from Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteria on inducing immune responses…

Important for Graduate Study Applicants

Important for Graduate Study Applicants

  Based on the decision of the Directorate of Research and Development of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research issued on May 23, 2024, it has been decided to postpone the competitive examination for applicants to graduate studies for the academic year 2024-2025 in all universities, including Samarra University. Therefore, it should be…

Announcement of the Candidate Lists for the Competitive Exam for Postgraduate Studies for the Academic Year 2024-2025

Announcement of the Candidate Lists for the Competitive Exam for Postgraduate Studies for the Academic Year 2024-2025

  The Department of Postgraduate Studies at the Presidency of Samarra University has announced the completion of the review of applicants’ files for master’s and doctoral studies in all its colleges for the academic year 2024-2025, in accordance with the ministry-approved schedules from the Department of Research and Development at the Ministry of Higher Education…

رئيس جامعة سامراء يوقع مذكرة تفاهم علمي مع جامعة جدارا

رئيس جامعة سامراء يوقع مذكرة تفاهم علمي مع جامعة جدارا

وقّع الأستاذ الدكتور صباح علاوي السامرائي (رئيس حامعة سامراء) مذكرة تفاهم علمي مع جامعة جدارا وقعها عنهم الأستاذ الدكتور حابس حتاملة الزبون، بخطوة جديدة ضمن الخطوات المستمرة؛ لانطلاق جامعة سامراء نحو آفاق التواصل المعرفي مع المؤسسات العلمية الرائدة. وجامعة جدارا هي جامعة في محافطة إربد في الأردن، تأسست في عام 2005، وسميت بذلك الاسم نسبة…

جامعة سامراء تعلن بدء التقديم للدراسات العليا داخل العراق

جامعة سامراء تعلن بدء التقديم للدراسات العليا داخل العراق

تعلن رئاسة جامعة سامراء تعلن بدء التقديم للدراسات العليا داخل العراق للعام الدراسي 2024-2025، في تمام الساعة الثامنة من صباح يوم الخميس الموافق 2 أيار 2024، عبر الرابط ، وهذا هو بداية التقديم الإلكتروني، ويستمر التقديم لمدة شهر واحد. ملاحظة: يجب مراعاة صحة المعلومات لتلافي تأخر التدقيق.

Dr. Ali Na’im Mahmoud participates in an international conference in Tunisia

Dr. Ali Na’im Mahmoud participates in an international conference in Tunisia

    Dr. Ali Na’im Mahmoud, a faculty member in the History Department at the College of Education at Samarra University, participated in the First International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences held under the slogan “History and Humanities and Social Sciences: Renewed Studies and Readings” in the Republic of Tunisia  

The Ministry of Culture honors the President of Samarra University

The Ministry of Culture honors the President of Samarra University

    The Iraqi Ministry of Culture, Tourism, and Antiquities, represented by its deputy Qasim Tahir Al-Sudani, honored Professor Dr. Sabah Allawi Al-Samarrai, the President of Samarra University, with a letter of appreciation and gratitude. This was in recognition of his efforts to provide the state’s institutions with professors who are specialized in sciences and…

Samarra University students characterized in the Second Scientific Olympiad at the University of Basra

Samarra University students characterized in the Second Scientific Olympiad at the University of Basra

    Two students from the Chemistry Department of the College of Education at Samarra University have qualified for the finals of the Second Scientific Olympiad organized by the Department of Scientific Affairs at the Presidency of the University of Basra, with the participation of 101 students from various Iraqi and Arab universities, for both…

The Dean of the College of Administration and Economics meets with the Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq

The Dean of the College of Administration and Economics meets with the Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq

    The Dean of the College of Management and Economics at the University of Samarra, Professor Dr. Nazhan Mohammed Al-Saho, met with Professor Dr. Ammar Hamad Khalaf, Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, on the sidelines of the 17th Scientific Conference organized by the Iraqi Society for Statistical Sciences in Basra Governorate…

Arabic Language Department Students participate in a poetry competition at the College of Education

Arabic Language Department Students participate in a poetry competition at the College of Education

    The Arabic Language Department at the College of Education at the University of Samarra organized a literary activity consisting of a poetic competition and summarizing a book one of the students read and liked first and second-year students. The interactive activities took place on Tuesday, March 28th, in one of the department’s halls,…