المعقم الذاتي طويل الأمد

المعقم الذاتي طويل الأمد

ابتكار مذهل (معقم ذاتي) قد يلعب دورا بارزا في القضاء او التقليل من انتشار COVID-19 على المستوى العالمي .. تمكن فريق بحثي من جامعة سامراء وبإشراف مباشر من السيد رئيس الجامعة الدكتور صباح علاوي في ابتكار وتطوير معقم نانوي يجعل الاسطح تعقم نفسها ذاتيا لمدة أشهر وربما لسنوات… مبتعدين بذلك عن المطهرات التقليدية التي تعمل…

The University of Samarra manufactures a sterilizing tunnel and presents it to the Samarra General Hospital
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The University of Samarra manufactures a sterilizing tunnel and presents it to the Samarra General Hospital

A research team from the University of Samarra manufactures a device to sanitize people from Coronavirus, where the device work depends on sensors, when someone approaches, starts spraying to sterilize the bodies. This device was gifted to Samarra General Hospital and was placed at the counseling clinic’s door to sanitize patients when entering and leaving…

A research team from the University of Samarra produces hand sanitizer from natural materials ((plant extracts and oils ))
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A research team from the University of Samarra produces hand sanitizer from natural materials ((plant extracts and oils ))

Under the guidance of the President of the University of Samarra, and the dean of the Education College, in harnessing the university’s research capabilities and finding solutions and available alternatives to overcome the health crisis and support the health sector in our country. The team manufactured a hand sanitizer from plant-based natural materials, proved it’s…

Distributing the first meal of food baskets to needy and low-income families in Samarra city
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Distributing the first meal of food baskets to needy and low-income families in Samarra city

Under the guidance of President of the University of Samarra, Prof. Dr. (Sabah Al Samarrai) and the supervision of Prof. Dr. (Iyad Salem Saleh), Dean of the Education College, the first food baskets distributed to needy families in the city, Also, distributed cash to some families in exceptional cases, such as patients and newborn babies….

The university of Samarra produced sanitizers and distributes them to security forces
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The university of Samarra produced sanitizers and distributes them to security forces

The University of Samarra staff, headed by the president of the university, distribute sanitizers made by university researchers to the security forces in the city, to ensure their safety, as they are in direct contact with citizens. Also, they distributed masks, which produced using nanotechnology by researchers from the university, in a university effort and…

A research team from the University of Samarra designs and manufactures a Disinfection tunnel by heat.
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A research team from the University of Samarra designs and manufactures a Disinfection tunnel by heat.

Under the guidance of the University of Samarra President, Prof. Dr. Sabah Allawi Khalaf, and supervised by the Dean of Applied Sciences College Assistant Professor Dr. Aiser Saleh Muhammad, a system has been designed: Disinfection channel by heat A device has been manufactured from the following basic components: -A high-powered domestic air blower (plower) -Two…

University of Samarra manufactured filtered masks using modern nanotechnology
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University of Samarra manufactured filtered masks using modern nanotechnology

Under the direct guidance by Professor Dr. Sabah Allawi, President of the University of Samarra, a research team has manufactured filtered masks using modern nanotechnology. Keeping pace with the world occupying outbreak and contributing to saving our country from Coronavirus, researchers manufactured filtered masks using nanotechnology, as it can purify the air from germs. The…

The University of Samarra produces a mobile sterilizing robot
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The University of Samarra produces a mobile sterilizing robot

The University of Samarra is continuing creative in providing services in the current crisis of Corona, innovated each of: Prof. Sabah Allawi Khalaf Dr. Wael Muhammad Mahdi M. Khaled Saeed Latif How to sanitize hospital rooms where viruses and bacteria settle due to receiving patients?? The idea contains a design that connects to mobile vehicles…

جامعة سامراء تنتج بدلة طبية كاملة مع واقي للوجه
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جامعة سامراء تنتج بدلة طبية كاملة مع واقي للوجه

جامعة سامراء تنتج بدلة طبية كاملة مع واقي للوجه هدية لمستشفى سامراء العام بتوجيه ودعم من السيد رئيس جامعة سامراء الاستاذ الدكتور صباح علاوي خلف استنفرت كوادر جامعة سامراء جهودها للاستغلال الامثل لكل ما هو متاح ويخدم كوادرنا الصحية وهم يواجهون خطر الوباء المتفشي عالميا كوڤد ١٩ ومن هذا المنطلق سعت الجامعة الى خياطة بدلات…