The University of Samarra – a professor from the College of Islamic Sciences, participates in a virtual international symposium about Palestine


The lecturer at the Department of Sharia at the College of Islamic Sciences / the University of Samarra, Prof. Dr. Khaled Naji, participated in the international symposium (invalidity of the historical allegations of Zionism in Palestine) held by the College of Arts – Al-Mustansiriya University on Tuesday (May 25, 2021) under the generous patronage of the President of Al-Mustansiriya University and the supervision of Prof. Dr. Abdul-Baqi Badr, Dean of the College of Arts. The seminar began with a lecture by the researcher Ali Al-Nashmi. The workshop witnessed a speech by the Palestinian ambassador to Baghdad, Ahmed Aql, an intervention by the President of Al-Mustansiriya University, Professor Dr. Hamid Fadel Al-Tamimi, and an intervention by the Dean of the College of Arts. Dr. Khaled Naji, a faculty in our college and the Syndicate of Supervisors in Iraq, confirmed the firm position of the supervisors in defending Palestine and its capital, Jerusalem, and their refusal to settle the Zionist Jews there. In addition to the Iraqi people and government towards the Palestinian cause and its capital, Holy Jerusalem, and the permanent support for this issue and position Rejecting the repeated Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people.


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