Opening evening studies at the College of Engineering / University of Samarra


Good news for the community of Samarra, presented by the President of Samarra University, Prof. Dr. Sabah Allawi Al-Samarrai, with the opening of the evening study at the University of Samarra. This work came with the scientific efforts of the president and university’s staff, and with the follow-up of the Deanship of the College of Engineering. The approval of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research to open the evening study in the Department of Electromechanical Engineering, College of Engineering / University of Samarra for the academic year 2021-2022.
This accomplishment proceeded according to the ministry’s report issued by the Department of Studies, Planning, and Follow-up,

This development is an essential opportunity for our dear students and an important step to attract students of the previous and coming years, especially since the department will accept students starting from 2021-2022.

On this occasion, the Presidency of the University extends its blessing to the community of Samarra and our country, the Deanship of the College of Engineering, and the Department of Electromechanical Engineering for this innovation, wishing them all success.

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