The University of Samarra’s Council holds its regular (ninth) open session for the academic year 2020-2021


The University of Samarra’s Council held its regular (ninth) open session headed by the University President, Prof. Sabah Allawi Al-Samarrai, starting from Sunday 25/7/2021 until Sunday 22/8/2021, in the presence of all members.
The council discussed many essential topics of science and infrastructure.

During the meeting, Allawi reviewed what happened during his meeting with the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research when he visited Salah al-Din Governorate on Wednesday, August 18, in the presence of the Governor of Salah al-Din. The President of the University presented a detailed report on the affairs of the university, and what is related to the completed buildings and the buildings under construction, as well as plans and the amounts allocated in the university’s budget and how to complete its stages, in addition to discussing the issues of reconstruction and postponed projects that obstruct the university’s renaissance.

On the other hand, the Minister praised the efforts made by the university represented by the president and the academic team, and the development it has witnessed during the past two years, in addition to his insight and desire for scientific and foundation progress for the university.

Al-Samarrai also reviewed the issue of preparing laboratories, as this came after he met with Mr. Ammar Jabr Khalil, Governor of Salah al-Din, to allocate the Salah al-Din Governorate funds to support scientific projects.

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