The University of Samarra – a faculty from the College of Engineering publishes a joint paper with researchers from international universities in Elsevier


Within the ministry’s directives to form research teams with international universities; A research team consisting of (Professor Dr. Riyad Azzawi Bader), Dean Associate of the College of Engineering and Teaching in the Department of Electromechanical Engineering – University of Samarra, in cooperation with the Professor of Nanotechnology (Prof. Yaarub Aldori) faculty at the University of Malaya, ranked first in Malaysia, as well as a professor (Dr. Haverman) from the Indonesian University of Jakarta, ranked third in Indonesia, who published scientific research entitled:

(Porosity effect on the tribological properties of Al-Si alloys for diamond-like carbon coating of cold sprayed).

In the international journal King Saud University – for Engineering Sciences, which is issued by El Sefer International Publishing House and is classified within the first quarter Q1 with an impact factor of 2.721 and a site score of 8.2, as this journal is considered one of the leading and ancient references in the field of engineering and its applications, and the date of issuance of the first issue dates back to 1989 of the last century, in addition to being included in Scopus containers and Clarivate databases.
The researchers show in this study, the effect of porosity on aluminum-silicon alloys used in the manufacture of aircraft, ships, as well as cars and offer a diamond-like carbon (DLC) coating made of spherical SP powder and IP irregular powder made by cold plasma-sprayed by gaseous dissolution on aluminum alloys. Slip evaluation was performed at different loads on each DLC coating. All DLC coating surfaces feature scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Moreover, the coatings exhibit low porosity and high hardness. , taking into consideration the impact of many different influencing factors on the achieved performance.

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