The University of Samarra: Records an outstanding scientific achievement


Registration of two fungal strains for a researcher at the University of Samarra at the American National Center for Biotechnology and the Genebank Containers.

In the series of Samarra University’s interest in scientific research and encouraging the talented to globalize in their research, the distinguished researcher, Ahmed Daham Rajab, has discovered two new strains of fungi, through continuous research (to isolate and diagnose the fungi decomposing and growing on the wall paint using PCR technique).

It is noteworthy that this is part of the requirements for obtaining a master’s degree in the Biology department, at the University of Samarra.

The study included the collection of developing fungal isolates from several places (homes, schools, hospitals, buildings of Samarra University), and phenotypic tests were conducted for the isolates and diagnosed by PCR using reaction kits manufactured in the American company Promega. The results of the genetic interaction showed the presence of genetic mutations in the sexes Aspergillus niger and Alternaria alternate and after matching the genetic sequence, the results were sent to the US National Center for Biotechnology. The isolates were named by the researcher as follows:
Aspergillus niger isolate ADR 14
Alternaria alternate isolate ADR 12

The symbols (ADR) refer to the researcher’s name in English, while the numbers (12, 14) have a symbolic significance for the researcher
The University of Samarra was mentioned in the gene bank container because it is the place of work of the researcher and the study supervisors, namely Prof. Dr. Abdel Hamid Muhammad Hamoudi and Assistant Professor Dr. Omar Rahim Khalaf.
For his part, the President of the University praised the researcher’s work and excellence in perseverance despite difficult circumstances, congratulating him and his supervisors on the outstanding results, urging all students to make efforts to raise the level of research in a way that befits their country’s scientific reputation in various fields.

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