A workshop discussing the application of the educational laboratory quality form


The Department of Quality Assurance and University Performance at the University of Samarra organized a workshop entitled “Application of the Educational Laboratories Quality Form” on Wednesday, April 6th.
The workshop presented a guideline for the laboratory quality classification form in humanities, computers, and sound laboratories. This workshop came under the directives of the Scientific Supervision and Evaluation Authority. In implementing the Quality Assurance Department / Laboratory Accreditation Department on calculating grades according to what is shown in the form axes.
On the other hand, the workshop showed the mechanism for using the forms for documents and records necessary for the management of laboratories.
The workshop aimed to emphasize the use of documents approved by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, As it conforms to scientific laboratory standards.
The workshop concluded with a recommendation to follow the guideline and the forms for documents and records, Complying with ISO 27001 standards for laboratory quality management.

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