A delegation from the College of Physical Education discusses the twinning of Gilgamesh University


The College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences delegation at Samarra University, headed by Prof. Dr. Muhammad Saleh Khalil -Dean of the College- discussed completing the requirements for scientific twinning concluded by the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at Gilgamesh Private University, with the college.
This visit came as a continuation of the twinning held between the two colleges and scientific committees formation for some of the requirements necessary for them and reviewing the sports facilities and infrastructure at Gilgamesh University and the possibility of exchanging the training aspect there.

During the meeting, which was attended by Prof. Dr. Hafez Alwan Al-Dulaimi – President of Gilgamesh University – and Dr. Rima Al-Qalawi – Supervisor of the University – in addition to the Dean of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences and his scientific assistant. They reviewed the programs and the course system used in the college in detail. They compared it to the tremendous effort made by the College of Physical Education at the University of Samarra, which is to design programs and systems that help correctly manage the course system’s requirements to guarantee the rights of students in the college.
The meeting concluded with in-depth recommendations discussed during the upcoming visits.

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