The University of Samarra progressed to 11th place in the RUR World Ranking


The President of the University of Samarra, Prof. Dr. Sabah Allawi Al-Samarrai, gave this day good news to all the university’s affiliates after the annual report of the RUR classification was announced in Moscow today, which showed Samarra’s University ranking in the 866th globally and 11th in the Iraqi universities after it was 29th last year.

It is noteworthy that out of tens of thousands of universities globally, 1200 universities have been able to reserve a seat in this classification distributed over more than 82 countries worldwide.
This classification is based on twenty typical indicators, divided into four axes, including education and scientific research indicators, international diversity, financial sustainability of the educational institution, and Clarivate analytics containers. Samarra University achieved the majority of; As a result, it attended this classification for the first time in the year 2020 AD and obtained the 31st local rank, while the following year, it jumped to the 29th local rank. Today, after great efforts, it has reached the 11th rank at the level of Iraqi public and private universities, surpassing many of the prestigious Iraqi universities.
On this occasion, Allawi congratulated the university’s teaching and career staff for making this remarkable progress in one of the essential classifications globally, which depends on valuable indicators in collecting its data and building university ranking indicators in it—congratulating at the same time this achievement and superiority over some Iraqi universities with the great potential compared to the newly developed University of Samarra. Hoping that the giving and concerted efforts will continue for the continuation of the university’s renaissance and its scramble to join the advanced ranks universities locally, Arable, and globally.
He commended the outstanding efforts of all employees, especially the heroes of the Academic Documentation Unit and the RUR Classification Committee headed by Dr. Eng. Riad Azzawi and the membership of his distinguished colleagues.

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