The College of Administration and Economics signs a memorandum of cooperation with the College of Administration and Economics at Tikrit University


The College of Administration and Economics at Samarra University signed a scientific cooperation memorandum with the College of Administration and Economics at Tikrit University.

Prof. Dr. Nazhan Muhammad Al-Sahoo signed the agreement – Dean – of the College, and Prof. Dr. Abdul-Razzaq Jamad Hussein – Dean of the College of Administration and Economics at the University of Tikrit, in the college building at the University of Samarra.

This memorandum comes within the framework of scientific cooperation aimed at investing and exchanging scientific and knowledge experiences in all fields. Especially with the desire of both sides to increase academic openness and intellectual cross-fertilization in the strategic visions of the two colleges.

The two sides expressed their desire to develop scientific plans and vocabulary, unify the curricula of the corresponding disciplines, exchange books and sources within the standard fields, and hold training workshops to develop the skills of professors and technicians.

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