Air pollution measurement device

A research team from the Department of Physics – senior students at the University of Samarra was able to complete a graduation project which is designing a system for measuring air pollution, as this system contained:
Carbon Dioxide Sensor (MH-Z14)
Dust sensor (GP2Y)
Temperature and humidity sensor (DHT11)
Microcontroller usage of the Arduino type with ATmega328p control enables the system to control from the computer and the addition of HC06 to use it to control via Bluetooth to send and receive data. They used the Arduino C language and the Python language to write a program that works to link the sensors and control them and send data to a database type CSV to be processed through Excel or Matlab programs.

This system was distinguished by:

Low-cost system.
Ease of use and transportation
The data is presented and stored
Manage data wirelessly
It works on stored energy through a lithium battery
Low error rate.


Abdul Rahman Abdel Moneim
Muhammad Qasim
Ahmed Karim
Abdullah Mohsen
Supervision/ Dr. Anwar Ahmed Mohamed

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