
The Ministry of Higher Education announces the electronic examination mechanism for graduate students

In the beginning, we value the sincere efforts being made by the heads of departments and branches in universities, as well as teaching staff and our dear students to move on with the academic year 2020/2019 while maintaining the reputation of education in Iraq under these exceptional circumstances and for some inquiries about the nature of the electronic exam questions. After experts consulting, we show the structure of the problems and the examinations mechanism by faculty according to the following:
1. Questions are laid by the professor, and the structure is up to 7 questions as follows:
Three essay questions (student has the right to answer two of them) so that the answer to each question is no more than two pages and the student can write on A4 paper and take a clear picture of it, include the student name and signature, and upload it with the answers on the electronic platform, and can include mathematical issues according to the (50%). Two substantive questions (choices, true and false), by ten questions for each type (20%). Two of a short answer type, student has the right to answer one of them, with five branches for each question (30%).
2. The exam is open to students and has a duration of three hours. The student can resolve the questions by two hours in recognition of the difficulties that he may face with modern technologies during the exam.
3. The student should wear a uniform suit during the exam in a separate place and can answer via a computer or mobile.
4. The university has the right to choose the appropriate time ( in the morning or evening) with the dates that were circulated in our book 2290 on 2020/24/5. The university may specify the electronic platform that it deems appropriate to administer the exam.

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