Conference Invitation


Under the title “Universities advance the quality of scientific research” The College of Applied Sciences / the University of Samarra is honored to invite you to participate in the activities of the “Samarra International Conference for Pure and Applied Sciences”
(1st Samarra International Conference for Pure and Applied Sciences (1SICPS
(By default) on 3/24/2021-23 through your valuable scientific contributions in various scientific disciplines (pure and applied sciences) according to the following scientific axes:
– Physics.
– Biology.
-Pathological analyzes.
-Environmental Sciences and Pollution.
– Mathematics.
-Computer Science and Information Technology.

Note that accepted research (after undergoing a sober scientific evaluation) will be published in the prestigious American Research Journal (AIP Conference Proceedings) indexed in the global database (Scopus).
ISSN: 0094-243X (print); 1551-7616 (web) and Site Score 0.6
Participation details:
1- Fees for participating in scientific research virtually via the Zoom platform ($ 150)
2- Participation with only attendance without scientific research (10 $)
– The participant in the conference proceedings will receive a certificate of participation with a letter of thanks and appreciation.
– Distinguished research is granted, after validating the originality of the research, by the residents, regardless of the axis of participation and their number.
– The deadline for receiving research is 10/3/2021.
To send your scientific contributions, please go to the following link:
To get acquainted with the research specifications and the journal, please visit the following link:
– The Supreme Committee of the Conference is also honored to invite researchers to participate by enriching the conference with their scientific expertise by evaluating the research participating in the conference activities via the following link:

For more information and inquiries, please visit the conference website:

Or send an e-mail to [email protected]
Or contact the following phones:
+ 9647702754401 / + 9647702079027 / +9647801212466
(Viber, WhatsApp, and Telegram)
Or the conference Telegram link:
Or the conference Facebook page link:
Or the Instagram page link
Here is an educational video for the steps of arranging the search and sending it
A simple video of the method of arranging the research and sending it to participate in the First International Samarra Conference for Pure and Applied Sciences

The fees for participation in scientific research of $ 150 (equivalent to 225,000 Iraqi dinars) or participation by attendance only, amounting to $ 10 (15,000 Iraqi dinars), are sent to the following accounts:
1- Zain Cash 009647813734935 from inside Iraq
2- Asia Hawala 009647702892367 from inside Iraq
3-Master switch (009647702892367) from inside and outside Iraq


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