The College of Engineering at the University of Samarra publishes the first structural research on the Malwiya Minaret in an international journal


The first structural engineering research on the Malwiya Minaret was published in Samarra, entitled:

Prediction of Compressive Strength of the Masonry of Al-Malwiya Historic Minaret in Samarra.

In the magazine:

Materials Today: Proceedings.

It is one of the journals listed in the Scopus database, and it is issued by the international publishing house Elsevier.

This research was carried out by a research team at the College of Engineering at the University of Samarra, and they are Professor Muhammad Abbas Hussain, Assistant Lecturer Safaa Yassin Hamad, Engineer Muhammad Muwaffaq Faraj, and Engineer Zahra Hamid Hassan.

This research is the first structural engineering research that deals with the study of the strength of construction in the historical Malwiyya Minaret in Samarra city, wherein this research the compression resistance of the construction of the Malwiya Minaret was calculated, and it is the first time that this important structural property is calculated, through which a structural analysis and evaluation can be made integrity of this unique archaeological landmark in Iraq and the world.

The full research can be read on the magazine’s website .. and the link below:


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