The University of Samarra honors its retirees from the teaching staff


The University of Samarra honored retired professors for this year, in an official ceremony held on the campus of Samarra University, Al-Mutawakel Hall under the guidance of the President of Samarra University, Professor Dr. (Sabah Allawi Khalaf) and the presence of the vices for scientific affairs and administrative affairs and the Operations Commander of Samarra, Major General Abdul Jabbar Al-Darraji, deans and faculty, and university staff.

On this occasion, the President of the University delivered a speech and welcomed the retired gentlemen and the honorable attendance. Allawi also expressed his pleasure that this beautiful ceremony coincides with the anniversary of the founding of the University of Samarra on 01/26/2012. He added that he was hesitant to agree to the referral of this good elite who had submitted the referral request to retirement with their desire, and expressed his desire to permanently benefit from their scientific expertise, which is a great wealth, and everyone should draw from their knowledge.

On his part, Dr. Tawfiq said, “The University of Samarra today celebrates graciously and bids farewell to this stars of its scholars, it is clear to anyone what these scholars presented from the beginning of the establishment of the College of Education, which was part of Tikrit Mother University in 2002 since they spent years of their lives serving the university and the city).

Dr. Abdul Razzaq Al-Wadi said: – Retirement is a land law in all parts of the world and it is the end of every scientific service but not the end of knowledge.

For his part, Sheikh Dr. Hatem Ahmad said … that it is our pleasure to find such a young university that is making strenuous efforts and it is a branch of the College of Education – the University of Tikrit, bid farewell the first constellation from the University of Samarra to be retired, and this does not mean that we will cut off from our students.
Adding that retirement is a global matter.

And Major General Abdul Jabbar al-Darraji, Commander of Samarra Operations, added: “I am honored to be with you today on the occasion of the anniversary of Samarra University founding and honoring this scientific elite that has always served the university and the city.

At the end of the ceremony, the retired professors were honored, and they are: –
1- Dr. Hatem Ahmed Abbas
2- Dr. Abdul Moneim Hamad Majeed
3- Dr. Rashid Hamid Hassan
4- Dr. Moayad Abdel Wahab
5- Dr. Khalaf Omar Abdullah
6- Dr. Abdul Razzaq Al-Wadi
7- Dr. Khalaf Fares Attia
8- Dr. Qusay Abdul Majeed
9- Dr. Abdul Majeed Saleh
10- Dr. Eman Abdul Wahid

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