The University of Samarra is making progress in the ranking of Iraqi universities


The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research announced a Statistics analysis about the rank of Iraqi universities based on various scientific and research activities. The University of Samarra has made clear progress, as it was ranked 18th among the Iraqi universities after adopting the ratio of the number of teaching staff to the total activities in the university. This progress comes by a well-thought-out plan developed by the university that relied on the efforts of the professors and the active administrations at the university by holding workshops, scientific symposia, international conferences, various societal contributions, and international classifications, which go according to the plans drawn by the Ministry of Higher Education in optimally implementing the government program.

The President of the University, Prof. Dr. Sabah Allawi, praised the efforts of the assistants, deans, heads of departments, and teaching staff, reminding that the stage is a stage of great challenge in the face of challenging conditions at all levels. He expressed his thanks and gratitude to all employees for their effort. It is noteworthy that the University of Samarra is implementing many effective plans that will continue to advance further. During that time, the President of the University did not forget to commend the outstanding effort made by the members of the Academic Documentation Unit and their apparent perseverance in following up on the various tasks assigned to them.
He praised, in particular, the efforts made by the officials of the following departments in following up the implementation of the paragraphs of the government program with a high level of praiseworthy praise.
1. Shehab Ahmed Shawkat – Coordinator of the government program for our university.
2. Diaa Jassem Awwad – Construction and Projects Department.
3. Dr. Mustafa Ali Abdel Rahman – Department of Scientific Affairs.
4. Youssef Hassan Mohamed – Department of Continuing Education / Abdul Rahman Karim Muhammad.
5. Dr. Nashwan Hussein Ali – Department of Quality Assurance and University Performance.
6. Mr. Qutaiba Mikhlif – Studies and Planning Department.
7. Dr. Qutaiba Yusef Hamid – Department of Graduate Studies.
8. Dr. Rana Ibrahim Khalil – Department of Missions and Cultural Relations.
9. Dr. Adnan Muhammad Talfah – Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance Division
It worths noting that the number of Iraqi government universities is 36, and the number with private is 131 universities. Thus, the rank of 18 is clear progress, especially if we notice the improvement of our university over prestigious universities such as Al-Mustansiriya, Babylon, Kufa, Mosul, Tikrit, Anbar, Al-Nahrain, University of Technology, and others.


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