The University of Samarra – News values and news industry in media institutions


The Media Division at the College of Archeology, in coordination with the Department of Media and Public Relations at the Presidency, holds a workshop on news-making at 10:00 PM, Thursday 6/10/2021.
It was delivered by (Ghazwan Hassan Ali), a Faculty at the College of Arts, Tikrit University, and on the Fcc platform. The workshop dealt with many press and media topics, including

Standards for publishing a press release
Qualities that must be present in the news
And the lecturer stopped at
The global basis for evaluating press news
The lecturer also touched on
The balance between the media’s pursuit of a journalistic scoop and the interest in verifying the truth of the news and influencing the recipient by conveying the facts. The workshop came out with many recommendations, the most important of which is the interest in making university scientific news that attracts its audience and is useful in keeping pace with the development of the education process.


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