The University of Samarra in joint scientific cooperation with the College of the Great Imam and the Directorate of the Sunni Endowment in Samarra


The President of the University of Samarra, Prof. Dr. Sabah Allawi Al-Samarrai, welcomed in his office Dr. Musab Salman Ahmed, the administrative and financial supervisor of the departments of Salah Al-Din, College of the Great Imam University / Samarra, accompanied by the director of the Sunni Endowment in Samarra, Dr. Jassim Daoud.

The two parties expressed their readiness to open the door for scientific cooperation in conferences, seminars, and workshops, and to open the doors for cooperation between institutions according to academic protocol and etiquette.
Al-Samarrai also expressed his willingness to exchange expertise, stressing the continuity of cooperation between them, forming joint committees between the three institutions, exchanging visits to see the work of each of them, and exchanging publications and intellectual productions.
The two parties expressed full readiness to conclude a scientific cooperation agreement under the fundamental methods followed in the Ministry of Higher Education to serve educational institutions and develop them through integration in various activities.


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