Two professors from our university publish joint research in a peer-reviewed scientific journal


Dr. Shaima Hassan Ali, a faculty from the College of Education – Department of Biology, published joint research with Dr. Harith Ahmed Mustafa and some of students from the department, namely (Ali Talib Hassan, Abdel Hamid Adnan Majid, Ghufran Abbas Muhammad, and Ahmed Diaa Yassin) entitled: Weed of Convolvulus arvensis damage and control methods, in the scientific journal; Chemical and Environmental Science Archives


Weeds plants are usually propagated by seeds and vegetative mediums. Spreading by seeds is the most common method by
which the weeds spread, as many of them produce very large quantities of seeds. Weeds plants cause huge losses in all
agricultural fields and non-agricultural lands, but because of their large presence in every place, people are accustomed to
Seeing them daily, so they did not appreciate the great losses caused by these pests. Studies in many countries have shown that
the losses caused by weeds plants may exceed total losses caused by insects and diseases combined. The present review paper
discusses damages of Convolvulus arvensis along with various chemical, mechanical, and biological control methods.

It is noteworthy that there are several joint researchers from outside the University of Samarra, and they are:
Biologist Ali Majid Hamid
Biologist Hassan Ali Handush
Biologist Arwa Ayoub Awad
Biologist Qahtan Adnan Majid

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