The Cultural House Division / Samarra/honors the President of Samarra University with the Shield of Excellence and Creativity


The Cultural House in Samarra city chose the character of Prof. Dr. (Sabah Allawi al-Samarrai) as one of the best scientific characters for his scientific and humanitarian efforts that he presented and continues to provide to the reality of education at the University of Samarra. The delegation presented a special shield to the President of Samarra University in appreciation of his educational and humanitarian role.

Mr. Rafid Majid Latif, representing the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Department of Public Cultural Relations – Cultural House Division / Samarra, attended to the President’s office to deliver the Shield of Excellence to the President, Professor Dr. Sabah Allawi al-Samarrai, in the presence of some of the professors, employees, and media.

In turn, the President presented a summary of the university’s scientific, academic, and technical achievements to advance the reality of higher education. Mr. Rafid Majed, the representative of the Cultural House, stated in a statement to the university’s media that honoring Prof. Dr. Sabah al-Samarrai represents a scientific victory for the University of Samarra and the great scientific developments it witnessed following the distinguished role of Dr. Al-Samarrai has succeeded in transforming the university into a distinguished scientific position in a short time.


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