The University of Samarra – organizes a workshop on how to prepare reports for promotions and certificates


The Department of Administrative and Financial Affairs at the Presidency held a workshop on how to prepare reports of promotions, add certificates, change job titles, and add contract service for our employees, after forming a central committee in the Presidency and sub-committees in each college.

The workshop was moderated by Mr. (Alaa Hashem Ahmed), assistant director of the Administrative and Financial Affairs Department.

The first axis is the promotion, whereby Mr. (Omar Ghani Abdul-Latif), head of the Employment and staffing Division, and Mr. (Nizar Aziz Abbas) in charge of the Personnel Division, took turns to explain this topic.

The second axis is adding certificates and changing job titles. This axis was explained by Mr. (Haider Tahsin Nazeer), the official of the Retirement Division.

The third axis is a discussion of adding the contract service, and this axis was explained by Mrs. Mai Ahmed Kamel, the official of the Teaching Affairs Division.


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