The University of Samarra completes the initiative to prepare curriculum books for the secondary stages


The College of Arts at the University of Samarra has completed its work within the framework of cooperation in community service by completing the printing of textbooks for secondary stages in the schools of Samarra city.
The college formed a technical committee headed by Assistant Professor Dr. Ali Ismail Jassim – Associate Dean of the College of Arts for Scientific Affairs – and in cooperation with the “Al-Baqiyat Charity Association”; to fill the shortage in the processing of textbooks in conjunction with the current academic year 2022-2023.

This initiative comes within the community cooperation that Samarra University seeks. The College of Arts is working on implementing it on several levels, primarily since this contribution targets students with limited income, orphans, and those unable to fulfill the curricula. Thus, this step is consistent with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research’s directives to support projects and programs that promote practical social solidarity.

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