Dr. Jinan Muhammad Hussein participates in a ministerial scientific conference


Dr. Jinan Muhammad Hussein, a professor at the College of Education at the University of Samarra, participated in the proceedings of the scientific conference organized by the Ministries of Youth, Sports, and Education, entitled “Towards a comprehensive national strategy to eradicate illiteracy in Iraq.”
Hussein’s participation came through her research entitled “Literacy Programs in Iraq and Saudi Arabia, Applications and Challenges (Comparative Study).”

The research presented how literacy programs are prepared, as it is one of the essential programs that various governments and international institutions are working on. Because it is a crucial pillar of sustainable development, and this is what Iraq and Saudi Arabia have worked on.

The researcher was able to know the importance of implementing illiteracy eradication programs and working to achieve the dimensions that were drawn for this; To achieve sustainable development within those societies that help them keep pace with global events and results, as well as produce productive individuals within the labor market.

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