Students of the College of Islamic Sciences participate in the awareness campaign about the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (under the title “Protect Her from Violence”)


Proceeding from the heavenly, Islamic, and social message that the Great Messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him) recommended to us on women’s rights and protection, and in the interest of the College of Islamic Sciences at the University of Samarra and under the title (Protect her from violence), the college students participated and under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Hassan Ahmed Al-Jawari. A follow-up from the Information Division conducted an awareness campaign (of various forms of violence directed against women) in conjunction with the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.
The activity started by distributing awareness posters to university students. This activity aimed to shed light on the different forms of violence against women and with various initiatives, even if they were self-efforts, in addition to creating a new generation among college students that are more aware of this issue and able to confront it and spread the positive movement to eliminate it.

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