The Dean of the College of Education participates in the International Patent Conference and signs a cooperation agreement


Assistant Professor Dr. Ghassan Fares Attia, Dean of the College of Education at the University of Samarra, signed a cooperation agreement between the College of Education and Al-Kut National University College on important scientific topics.
The signing took place on the sidelines of the International Conference and Exhibition for Patents, Industrial Models and Innovations, the conference organized in cooperation with the (French International Center for Scientists and Inventors / Iraq), in Wasit Governorate, in the city of Kut, and for March 19-20.
The Organizing Committee of the conference welcomed the Dean of the College warmly and praised his presence and the importance of extending scientific bridges between government and private colleges, Especially since such agreements support the scientific aspect and the cross-cooperation of knowledge between the corresponding colleges.
It is noteworthy that the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research held this conference.
The Governor of Wasit, Dr. Muhammad Jamil Al-Maya, spoke about the importance of the exhibition and the essential modern visions it presented in his scientific specialization.
Then the professors who own patents, industrial models, and innovations explained their work to the attendees.
At the end of the ceremony, the Chairman of the College’s Board of Directors, Assistant Professor Dr. Talib Zidan Al-Mousawi, and the Governor of Wasit distributed certificates of appreciation and shields to the Dean of the College of Education, who signed the cooperation agreement on the sidelines of the conference, as indicated above.

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