The University of Samarra and the fraternal family hold an Iftar for the students of the dormitories


In cooperation with the (The Fraternal Iraqi Family Association, the Department of dormitories Affairs at the University of Samarra, in collaboration with the (The Fraternal Iraqi Family Association) organized a meal of iftar for students of the university’s dormitories inside the park of iftar dormitory building in the city.
This banquet came at the initiative and support of a group of philanthropists in the city, who are working to increase the spirit of social solidarity and extend the dormitory’s bonds and brotherhood among the society segments, especially since the dormitories at Samarra University are one of the residential houses that support initiatives and humanitarian participation aimed at, and striving to deepen the positive spirit among the various students.
The students of the university’s dormitories expressed their happiness in holding such events that contribute to creating the Ramadan-semi-family atmosphere, Especially since they live in different Iraqi governorates, which makes such initiatives a matter of joy and happiness. The students expressed their thanks and gratitude to the dormitories directorate and its employees and its staff. We hope that this social cohesion will continue among the people of the one nation and that the University of Samarra and the institutions of Samarra city become a model for all Iraqi institutions.

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