A master’s thesis at the University of Samarra discusses the effect of foliar feeding with prepared nanoparticles loaded on nano carbons in beans


The Department of Biology at the College of Education discussed a master’s thesis entitled “The effect of foliar feeding with prepared Fe3 O4 and MoO3 nanoparticles loaded on nano-carbon on the growth and yield of the bean plant,” which was presented by the student (Safa Majeed Alwan).

The student conducted the laboratory experiments for this thesis in the Departments of Biology and Chemistry, College of Education at Samarra University.

The experiment was conducted in potted cultivation in one of the gardens during the winter season 2021-2020 in Samarra city, Salah al-Din Governorate. The student can know the effect of the prepared and nano-elements on carbon (iron, molybdenum) and the interaction between them on the Vicia faba L. and the iron percentage in the vegetative parts.

The discussion committee was composed of the professors:
Prof. Dr Abdul Karim Oraibi/ President
Prof. Dr. Ghassan Fares Attia / Member
Prof. Dr. Iman Dhiab Ahmed / Member
Prof. Dr. Wael Muhammad Mahdi / member and supervisor
Prof. Liqa’ Hussain Alwan / member and supervisor
Those who approved the thesis after extensive discussion accepted.

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