A ministerial committee visits the College of Arts to approve the establishment of a translation department


A ministerial committee assigned by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research visited the College of Arts at Samarra University; To approve the establishment of the translation department in the college for the next academic year, 2022-2023.
Assistant Professor Dr. Ahmed Azzawi Muhammad – Dean of the College – welcomed in his office the honorable members of the Ministerial Committee, who were accompanied by Prof. Dr. Kamal Hussein Ahmed – Vice President of the University for Scientific Affairs; To see the readiness of the development requirements of the translation department, which has an important scientific and functional status in the area of ​​development adopted by Samarra University as part of its expanded plan of renaissance, which continues to increase.
In the same context, the Ministerial Committee commended the college for providing the conditions and requirements needed to create the department. It stressed that it is continuing to support such departments.
The visit concluded with the hosting of the ministerial committee by Prof. Dr. Sabah Allawi al-Samarrai, the university president, who expressed his happiness at the presence of such ministerial committees that go to the university to supervise its various development plans.



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