The University of Samarra and its charitable bazaar proceeds


The College of Applied Sciences at Samarra University organized its charitable bazaar, the proceeds of which go to the children of the orphanage in the city of Samarra.

The activities of the bazaar started on the morning of Sunday, October 30. They lasted for two days, under the management of the Women’s Empowerment Unit and in cooperation with the Pathological Analysis Department at the College of Applied Sciences.

In the charity bazaar, a group of official pages through social networking sites – the best – and artisans of handicrafts, and the participation of many dentists in the examination and examination of students’ teeth.

The bazaar was inaugurated by Prof. Dr. Sabah Allawi al-Samarrai – President of the University of Samarra-in the presence of the Dean of the College of Applied Sciences and a group of professors, employees, and students of the university.

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