Meeting of the Committee to invest the energies of scholarships headed by the Vice President of the University for Scientific Affairs


A meeting of the Committee for Investing the Potential of Scholarships under the chairmanship of the Vice President of Samarra University for Scientific Affairs, Prof. Dr. Kamal Hussein Ahmed, hold in charge of the Scholarships and Cultural Relations Department, and the Chairman of the Committee for Investing the Potential of Scholarships and its members.

The committee reviewed the proposals submitted by the committee members during the meeting according to the form they prepared for this purpose. The meeting resulted in the following outcomes:
1- Concerning the axis of promoting the university locally and internationally, Dr. Rasha Hamed Ayoub presented the establishment of local and international academic networks. She proposed establishing an electronic library of university letters and theses for each college.
And they are activating the role of professors on scientific publishing sites to establish academic networks and research groups with other Arab and foreign researchers.

It also suggested creating unique pages for professors that include academic biography and published research. Instead of being updated by the Computer and Informatics Center, the researcher can correct himself.

2- Theme (scientific research, developing the capabilities and skills of professors and researchers in scientific research, developing teaching methods in Iraqi universities) presented by Dr. Laith Muthanna Al-Bitar, where he submitted the proposal of including educational lessons and teaching methods course. The use of bright TV screens and a movie projector (Data Show) to display the scientific material in the form of (PowerPoint) or explanatory videos, and then include the topic within the validity tests of the lesson to ensure that the teacher possesses the skill E-Learning.

3- The axis (infrastructure development), presented by Dr. Raed Abdullah, proposed to expropriate the land adjacent to the German Hospital from the eastern side, building new internal sections for female students. It also exploits the site designated for the five-a-side stadium and transforms it into a parking lot intended only for student vehicles.

4- The axis (Assistance in setting plans to enter the international rankings of universities), and the axis (Assistance in training and qualifying the teaching and functionals staff within work) presented by Professor Raed Ashraf, where he gave the following (Creating pages for each teacher and each student in which the student’s career is available And its degrees, creating a general page for all the lectures, which serves as an electronic library on the network, creating a comprehensive database for the university holistically, adopting the automation system in electronic archiving)

5- The axis (the development of colleges, departments, and graduate studies compatible with the needs of the market, and the axis of contributing to the development of higher studies) presented by Professor Ahmed Abdel Hakim, where he suggested
That there be a comprehensive study to prepare students accepted in colleges and universities and re-activate schools and technical and vocational institutes to supply the market (the labor market with professional technical elements)
They are studying the possibility of reducing higher education seats to reduced limits to reduce the large number of graduates who suffer from unemployment.

At the end of the meeting, the committee confirmed the proposals and submitted them to the President of Samarra University, Prof. Dr. Sabah Allawi Al-Samarrai, for approval.

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