Two directors at the University of Samarra participate in a ministerial meeting


Assistant Professor Dr. Ahmed Mahmoud Alo – Director of the Center for Continuing Education and Chairman of the Promotions Committee -and Mr. Muhammad Ahmed Mahmoud – Director of Administrative and Financial Affairs – participated in the presidency of Samarra University, the report of the promotions of the university employees, and the record of adding certificates and changing addresses in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

They met Ms. Iman Mahmoud Shteib – the assistant director general of the Administrative and Financial Department – in the ministry. During the meeting, the content of those minutes was discussed and audited by Ms. Shteib personally to ensure that the department is working to achieve it and its endeavor to complete the transactions and authenticate them in an introductory manner as quickly as possible.

For its part, Samarra University extended its praise and gratitude to the Financial and Administrative Department of the Ministry of Higher Education.

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