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A Professor from the University of Samarra issues a book about the history of Samarra city.

The professor at the Education College at the University of Samarra, Professor Dr. Hazem Majeed Ahmed Al-Douri was issued a book about the history of Samarra city from the sixth millennium BC to modern history.
By Dar Al-Hikma publisher – London 350 pages.
The book dealt with for the first time in some detail Samarra’s history civilization from six thousand years BC in the Tel Al-Sawan area. It was a link between the early Hassuna civilization history and the cave’s life in northern Iraq and the Sumerian civilization in southern Iraq.
In the Abbasids era, Samarra city was rebuilt and became the capital of the Abbasids State. The architecture has enlarged its streets and flourished. So it is called “Sur Man Raa” “Whoever sees it, will be amazed.”
Caliphate lift it in 279 AH, and most of its residents left it, but it returned and grew to the two Muslim imams presence, peace be upon them as visitors flocked to it from all countries of the Islamic world.
In history, Samarra returned and developed with many affiliated cities and villages such as Tikrit, Balad, Al-Dour, Dujail, and others. It became a district in 1849 AD, and it became Mutasarrif (Governorate) in 1853 AD. To reduce administrative slack in the Ottoman Empire, Samarra was restored to a district in 1869 CE.
The book also touched on the economic and social conditions in the city, and the education status in it.

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