A symposium at the University of Samarra on electronic extortion and the increase in suicides among women


The Department of Media and Public Relations at the University of Samarra held a symposium on electronic extortion and the increase of suicides among women in cooperation with the Iraqi Women’s League and the Ishraqa Amal team and with the participation of the community police.

The symposium dealt with the definition and purpose of electronic extortion, as well as the groups that target the extortion and the goals that a person seeks to achieve as a result of the extortion process.

The symposium included awareness and educational aspect, especially for women who are subjected to extortion, to the need to inform the relevant authorities, such as the community police and others, who can reach the extortion through the modern technologies to solve this problem that is alien to the Iraqi society, which has unfortunately spread recently for many reasons.

Several important points were also touched upon, including that avoids falling into the extortion trap.

Follow the instructions issued by these approved electronic networks in confirming the accounts of the websites and dealing with the lapses that the weak people use to snoop and enter the account.
-Not to post or send important data and information, photos, or videos on social media, so that they cannot be seized easily or your private photos and clips are not subjected to distortion through Photoshop and design programs.
– Do not keep any inappropriate videos or pictures you were in on your phone, because these videos or pictures may simply be stolen if the phone itself is stolen, so these photos and videos must be deleted immediately.
– Not to send electronic devices to mechanical engineers (maintenance workshops) unless the person working in the device is trusted and known in the middle of his honesty in work and a good reputation.
– Not to enter suspicious and unwanted websites on social media, and to beware of exchanging or entering the links that are shared, as links to the invention of devices or contain a virus that causes the devices to malfunction.
– Commitment to good morals and not to be drawn into acts contrary to our religion and our tradition.

These are some of the things that we can adhere to be cautious and to stay away as much as possible from falling into the extortion, and it is the duty of anyone who has sufficient information in electronic devices to educate people close to him or publish it in his pages for narrowing the circle on extortionists and educating people about the dangers of technology that many overlooks.


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