Preparing the College of Agriculture to welcome students for the new academic year


With the vigorous follow-up and exceptional efforts from the President of the University of Samarra, Prof. Dr. Sabah Allawi Khalaf, and the Dean of the College of Agriculture, Prof. Dr. Khaled Abdullah Sahao, work began to prepare the College of Agriculture and complete the preparations for welcoming students in the current academic year, and these requirements have been accomplished as follows

تهيئة كلية الزراعة لإستقبال الطلبة للعام الدراسي الجديد

1. The wooden canopy has been cleaned
2. The building has been cleaned
3. Handing over materials and devices for the Ministry of Health
4. The dirt surrounding the building has been cleaned.
5. Staff’s offices were furnished, for each office a table and four chairs
6- Erecting a guiding board for the college’s site
7- Transferring furniture from the university at private expense.
8- Maintenance of water and sewage for the college.
9 – Making stamps for the college’s department.
10- Obtaining the approval of the Minister of Agriculture to gift 1,000 olive seedlings
11- Approaching other colleges to provide us with textbooks.

Wishing the luck and success to the college staff and our dear students


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