A distinguished tribute to the University of Samarra in the Opinion Commission


The Minister of Higher Education, during the meeting of the Opinion Commission and with the presence of the Chairman of the Parliamentary Education Committee, the presidents of the universities, and the rest of the members of the Opinion Commission, praised the great efforts the University of Samarra had made during the Corona crisis and the provision of the Ministry’s center with a high-quality sterilization tunnel as well as sterilizers, masks and rubber gloves.

وزارة التعليم تعلن قرارات هيأة الرأي وتتوجه الى إعادة النظر بخطط القبول في الدراسات العليا
As well as providing the health system with many of its needs
The minister expressed his thanks to the presidency and its staff of Samarra University for the qualitative shift of the university during the past year.
For his part, the President affirmed that Samarra University will continue its efforts to work diligently and sincerely to enhance the university’s role in various fields that serve the country.
As well as working hard to raise the scientific level of the university and raise it in the place it deserves among universities.

The Opinion Commission meeting was held in attendance yesterday, Thursday, 9/17, to discuss many issues related to the past year as well as preparations for the next academic year.


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