
A ministerial committee has come to the university to establish a biotechnology department in the College of Applied Sciences.


A great effort of the President of the University of Samarra, Dr. Sabah Allawi Khalaf, and his insight to develop important studies at the university.
The committee if the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research visited the College of Applied Sciences
On Wednesday, 9/23/2020, the committee welcomed by the Dean, Dr. Aiser Saleh Muhammed.
And assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs, Dr. Omar Rahim Khalaf,
and Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs, Dr. Wael Muhammad Mahdi

The visit aimed to see the material and human capabilities in the college to establish the Department of Biotechnology. The Chairman and members of the Committee toured in the classrooms and scientific laboratories prepared for the creation of the department, as well as checking the staff of the department under the conditions of establishment.

After the visit, the committee praised the efforts made by the presidency of the university and the college in preparing the halls and laboratories for creating the Department of Biotechnology.


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