The Energy Management Committee holds its regular meeting


The Energy Management System Implementation Committee held its first periodic meeting, headed by Dr. Raed Abdullah Hassan and all committee members, to deliberate topics and proposals to review and update the strategic plan 2021-2026 for the University of Samarra.
After extensive discussion and review of the official books issued by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research; The committee made a set of recommendations and proposals, which were as follows:

1- Forming sub-committees within the Central Committee; To impose the distribution of work tasks and adopting the preparation of what is required of them and work to accomplish it according to a specific time limit.

2- Conducting a simplified scientific study for determining what is required and what capabilities are available; To reach the desired goal.

3- The strategic plan committee reviews and monitors the progress made in the leading performance indicators of the strategic plan set for the university, its colleges, and departments.

4- The strategic plan committee updated and included new goals, as follows:
A- Applying national institutional accreditation standards.
B- Applying specialized program accreditation standards.
C- Applying the criteria of the European Excellence Model EFQM.
D- Applying the specifications of the occupational safety and health management system (ISO45001:2018)
E- Implementation of the Environmental Management System (ISO 14001: 2015).
F- Implementation of the Energy Management System (ISO 50001:2018).

In addition to several recommendations, which are as follows:
1- Working on developing a scientific structure that aims to know how to obtain the required credits from the university.
2- The necessity of adhering to the timelines in the guideline for public universities to update and review the strategic plan 2021-2026.
3- The committee’s meeting should be weekly and Tuesday at noon to review the completed work.


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