The President of the Republic affirms the necessity of preserving the sobriety of academic education and protecting the scientific independence of universities


The President of the Republic, Dr. Barham Salih, on Monday, November 2, 2020, at Alsalam Palace in Baghdad, an expanded delegation that included the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Nabil Kazem Abdel-Saheb, the Undersecretary of the Ministry for Academic Affairs, the President of Academics and the Head of the Supervision and Evaluation Authority, and the heads of the universities of Baghdad, Al-Mustansiriya and Ibn Sina And the advanced staff in the Ministry of Higher Education.

At the outset of the meeting, the President of the Republic affirmed the need to preserve the sobriety of academic education, to ensure the protection of the scientific independence of universities, to pay attention to the needs of professors and students, and to overcome obstacles and problems facing them, for their important role in raising the scientific and cultural level in various scientific and cultural specializations.

He added that Iraqi universities have always gained a good reputation in international forums, despite the difficulties they faced in previous periods, calling for opening doors for cooperation and coordination with international universities and to benefit from international experiences in this regard, for Iraqi universities to be in the ranks of others in the countries of the world.

His Excellency listened with interest to a detailed explanation from members of the delegation on the functioning of universities and academic teaching and the challenges facing the education sector in the country. His Excellency also listened to the legal problems recorded in the law on the equivalence of academic degrees, stressing his support for everything that would improve the work of universities and overcome the difficulties facing academics, the teaching staff, and students.

At the end of the meeting, the members of the delegation offered their thanks and appreciation to the President of the Republic, and he’s listening to the functioning of the universities and the issues facing them, and his full support in overcoming them to improve the educational sector.

* Media Office of the Presidency of the Republic *
* Monday 2-11-2020 *


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