A ministerial committee visits the University of Samarra


Within the directives of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, a committee affiliated with the Ministry of Higher Education visited – Wednesday 11/2020/25 the University of Samarra to see the material and human capabilities of the colleges (Administration and Economy_ Agriculture), and they were welcomed by Dr. Sabah Allawi Khalaf, President of the University of Samarra.

The committee is chaired by Dr. Muhammad Saad Ibrahim / Department of Studies, Planning, and Follow-up, with Dr. Khalaf Saleh Ali / Office of the Undersecretary for Scientific Research and Eng. Ahmed Khalaf Hardan / Department of Reconstruction and Projects and Mr. Karim Faleh Odeh / Department of Studies and Planning.


The committee has viewed the building of the deanship of the two colleges of halls and study equipment and the computer lab as part of the college’s preparations to open doors for undergraduate students.

During the visit, they met with the Dean of the College of Administration and Economics, Assistant Professor Dr. Nazhan Al Sahoo, and Dr. Khaled Al-Sahr.


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