The University of Samarra media staff participates in a workshop on media work ethics


Under the guidance of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the Studies, Planning, and Follow-up Department held an electronic scientific workshop on the FCC platform for two days, 30-31 January 2021, entitled Media Work Ethics.

Presented by the media trainer, Manhal Al-Taher, which targeted a group of directors and officials of media departments in Iraqi universities and colleges to identify the most important professional foundations for professional and media work ethics in writing press news and media interviews.

The discussion and interventions opened in the presence of all Iraqi university journalists, including Samarra University.

Where the Director of the Department of Media and Public Relations at the Presidency of the University of Samarra praised the importance of this workshop because of its great benefit for media professionals and journalists, as she said that the ethics of media work lies in neutrality and impartiality and work according to the station’s policy, and the media person must be careful and be sincere and has the scientific honesty in conveying the truth.


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