The College of Engineering at the University of Samarra carries out a campaign to sterilize classrooms, laboratories, and corridors


Under the guidance and supervision of the Dean of the College of Engineering, Prof. Dr. Rashid Hamid Yassin, and accompanied by the Dean associate for Administrative Affairs, Assistant Professor Dr. Riyad Azzawi Badr, the technical and administrative staff of the college have embarked on a campaign to sterilize the classrooms, laboratories, and corridors of the college, to prevent Coronavirus spreading.

The Dean stated that the college organized a campaign to sterilize its corridors, classrooms, and all departments, to preserve the safety of the college members and students, adding that the college continued to use preventive methods continuously and in cooperation with civil defense teams and relevant departments and with the participation of staff, stressing the college’s commitment to health instructions and wearing masks, gloves and apply social distancing.

It is noteworthy that the sterilization campaign that took place included classrooms, employee offices, internal corridors, external and internal inquiries rooms, comes within the directives of the Presidency of Samarra University regarding combating the Corona epidemic and applying health and preventive measures. This measure is part of a series of measures taken by civil defense teams to control and limit the spread of harmful viruses, especially the Corona epidemic.


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