The University of Samarra – College of Applied Sciences starts its first international scientific conference


The College of Applied Sciences at the University of Samarra starts the First International Conference on Pure and Applied Sciences on Tuesday, March 23, 2021, in the presence of the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Sabah Allawi.

The best thing that opened the conference was reading of Surat Al-Fatihah for the souls of our martyrs. This standing was after which the President of the University of Samarra Dr. Sabah delivered his speech on this occasion that his sponsorship of this first scientific conference represents his keenness and interest in developing higher education and instituting scientific staff.

He added: (Our sponsorship reflects the conference’s importance with many researchers participated from inside and outside the country and added: We hope that there will be more participants in the coming years).

On the same level, Prof. Dr. Kamal Hussein Ahmad, Vice President of the University of Samarra for Scientific Affairs, explained the importance of this conference as an incentive for educational development and indicated that the scientific conference embodies a qualitative leap for the university.

Dr. Aiser Muhammad Saleh, Dean of the College of Applied Sciences and director of the Conference, expressed his admiration for the results of the publications because of their great scientific importance, stressing that he looks forward to more creative partnerships that contribute to the advancement of scientific levels and that compete on the global level with the corresponding universities.

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