A scientific visit to the Salah Al-Din Thermal Station


Under the guidance of Dr. Amjad Saleh Mahmoud, Dean of the College of Engineering, and the supervision of the professor Ihsan Ali Mustafa, Head of the Electromechanical Engineering Department at the College of Engineering, the University of Samarra, the Electromechanical Engineering Department held a scientific visit to the Salah El-Din Thermal Station for second-year students.

The visit aimed to inform the students about the station’s work, the stages of its establishment, and maintenance procedures to enhance the practical activities of the students.

The supervising engineers explained how the station works and the stages of its construction. They reviewed all the facilities in the station, such as the water treatment unit, the steam boiler unit, the turbine unit, condensers, pumps, ultra-high-capacity networks.

Professor Dr. Zainab Abdel Majid Khalaf and the engineer Shaker Mahmoud Mahdi, the two professors in the department, supervised the scientific trip.


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