The University of Samarra – Vice President for Scientific affairs holds a meeting with the University’s Safety and Security Committee


Sunday, May 9, 2021 AD, a meeting was held, chaired by the Vice President for Scientific Affairs, Prof. Dr. Kamal Hussein Ahmed, with the Committee on Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Safety and Security (CBRN) to discuss the order of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research by taking the necessary and immediate measures to avoid accidents at the University of Samarra, similar to Iraqi universities and institutes, through maintenance of electrical connections, gas and discharge systems, water systems, storage, and preservation mean, and specifying the names of those responsible for the safety and security of each store and scientific laboratory.
In the same context, Dr. Kamal Hussein ordered to prepare detailed reports that include the requirements to prevent accidents and submit them to the competent authorities at the university.

He also directed reviewing chemical, biological and radiological emergency plans and the possibility of conducting field practices in coordination with the civil defense directorates of the Ministry of Interior.


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