The University of Samarra – an engineering faculty member receives a scientific invitation from Dhi Qar Governorate


The faculty from the College of Engineering at the University of Samarra and the director of the Department of Missions and Cultural Relations at the Presidency (Assistant Professor Dr. Rana Ibrahim Khalil) received an invitation from Dhi Qar Governorate for the first letter conference for science, technology, inventions, and pioneering research.

To activate the research and scientific reality and support the pioneers of practical inventions, Dhi Qar Governorate will host the First letter Conference and Exhibition for Iraqi Inventors activities on June 25th.

It is reported that “this conference is an opportunity to present scientific research and inventions, and an effective contribution to Iraqi researchers and inventors in non-traditional business fields, as well as providing a base for inventions that contribute to the development of the wheel of technological and digital progress in Iraq.”


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