The President of Samarra University honors the winners from Samarra in the international mental arithmetic competition


In a good gesture for supporting creativity and distinguished people, the President of Samarra University, Prof. Dr. Sabah Allawi Al-Samarrai, honored the three outstanding students of Samarra in the World Championship for Mental Arithmetic and Mathematics that was held in Dubai.


The winners are Raghad Fawzy, (17 years old), who won the champion title for the World Championship in mental arithmetic, Aws Omar (13 years old), and Khattab Omar (10 years old).

On this occasion, Allawi stressed that science and mathematics, “countries are built and advanced with science and knowledge,” highlighting the university’s interest in these fields through their support to make the country’s talents in these disciplines.

The gifts were human anthropomorphic, sports equipment, a telescope, and solar energy tools.

The honoring was attended by Mrs. Zainab Nabil Muhammad, mental arithmetic trainer, director of the Creativity Development Center in Salah al-Din, director of the Raghad Foundation, and Ms. Sarwa Madian, director of the media and public relations department.

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