With a vast audience, the College of Arts holds its central celebration of the Arabic Language Day


In cooperation with the College of Education at Samarra University and the College of Open Basic Education, the College of Arts held a central celebration of the International Day of the Arabic Language.
Which was attended by Prof. Dr. Sabah Allawi Al-Samarrai – President of the University-, Prof. Dr. Zuhair Qassem – Vice to the President of the University for Administrative Affairs, Dr. Ahmed Azzawi Muhammad -Dean of the College of Arts-, Dr. Ghassan Fares Attia – Dean of the College of Education-, and heads of departments The Arabic language has been in the two colleges since their establishment until today.
The festival included several speeches on the International Day of the Arabic Language, initiated by the President of the University, followed by the Dean of the College of Arts, followed by Prof. Dr. Ahmed Hashem Al-Samarrai – representing the College of Education.
Glorification is the Arabic language. Al-Qurayd’s poets’ throats resounded with different poetry readings from the professors and students, glorifying the mother Arabic language and singing its great letters.
On the other hand, the heads of the Arabic language departments were honored with (medals of excellence); In appreciation of their role in managing the department and strengthening the position of our Arabic language in its various sciences. They distribute certificates of gratitude to the poets participating in the forum.
It is noteworthy that the celebration witnessed a sizeable public presence from the distinguished professors, dear students, and a number of those interested and lovers of the Arabic language from the university’s various colleges.

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