Vice President of Samarra University for Scientific and Administrative Affairs, follow up the dormitories of students


In the implementation of the letter of the Scientific Supervision and Evaluation Authority in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research for the requirements of the working interest and organizational purposes, the Vice President of Samarra University for Operational Affairs, Prof. Kamal Hussein Ahmed, and the Vice President of the University for Administrative Affairs follow up Prof. Dr. Zuhair Qassem Muhammad, the buildings of the dormitories for university students.
They reviewed the reality of the services provided to students. They instructed the students to respect the department’s system and preserve its property because it was designated to serve the student.
At the end of the visit, the assistants prepared a report. They submitted to the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Sabah Allawi Al-Samarrai, for discussion in the University Council. A final report was prepared and sent to the above ministry.

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